Ravinder Kaur Pasricha

Ravinder Kaur Pasricha

GM - Corporate Partnership & Fundraising

Mishu Garg

Mishu Garg

Manager - People Function

Paramita Mudgil

Paramita Mudgil

Manager - Donor Engagements

Naveen Gurg

Naveen Gurg

Head - Finance & Accounts

Rakesh Jetli

Rakesh Jetli

VP - Projects & Operations

Rajat Pangasa

Rajat Pangasa

AVP - Monitoring & Evaluation

Ruchira Verma

Ruchira Verma

Principal - Lotus Petal Sr. Secondary School

DISCLAIMER: Lotus Petal Foundation corresponds from email addresses with the domain “@lotuspetalfoundation.org” or from mobile number 9818089635. We do not solicit donations from individuals via phone and WhatsApp and if you receive any calls or email where our name is used, we advise all not to act upon the same and we are not responsible for any donation advanced to the individuals claiming themselves to be associated with Lotus Petal Charitable Foundation and if you have any doubt, please write back to us on connect@lotuspetalfoundation.org.